Ársskýrslur Raunvísindastofnunar Háskólans:
Ársskýrsla Raunvísindastofnunar Háskólans 2019
Aðrar skýrslur:
RH-02-2017 - Upphaf landnáms á Íslandi - um 680 e. Kr
Páll Theodórsson
RH-13-2016 - Aldursgreiningaraðferðir og upphaf búsetu á Hofsstöðum
Páll Theodórsson
RH-01-2015 - Nýtt líf gjóskutímatalsins með tölvuúrvinnslu gjóskusniða
Páll Theodórsson
RH-02-2012 - Kolefni-14 aldursgreiningar í íslenskri fornleifafræði
Páll Theodórsson
RH-16-2011 - Upphaf landnáms á Íslandi
Páll Theodórsson
RH-80-05 - Jarðskjálftar á Íslandi 1900-1929
Kjartan Ottósson
RH-79-06 - Jarðskjálftar á Íslandi 1950-1959
Eysteinn Tryggvason
RH-78-22 - Jarðskjálftar á Íslandi 1940-1949
Eysteinn Tryggvason
RH-78-21 - Jarðskjálftar á Íslandi 1930-1939
Eysteinn Tryggvason
Gadget models of cod-shrimp interactions in Icelandic waters
Lorna Taylor
A bootstrap method for estimating bias and variance in statistical
multispecies modelling frameworks using highly disparate data sets
This report is being reviewed by CJFAS and should not be cited/circulated without permission.
Lorna Taylor, Verena M. Trenkel, Vojtech Kupca, Gunnar Stefánsson
Time-dependent transport through a double quantum
wire in a magnetic field
Nzar Rauf Abdullah
Iceland spar and its influence on the development of science and technology in the period 1780 - 1930
(Sept. 2010, 400 pp.) with an annotated list of references
Leó Kristjánsson
Infinite-bumb solutions of the non-linear Schrödinger
equation: the non-periodic case
Robert Magnus, Olivier Moschetta
The non-linear Schrödinger equation: non-degeneracy
and infinite-bumb solutions
Robert Magnus, Olivier Moschetta
Semi-classical charged black holes
Friðrik Freyr Gautason
Detectability on RNA expression microarrays
Sigrun Helga Lund and Gunnar Stefansson
Modeling service composition reliability in pervasive computing
Klaus M. Hansen and Jeppe Brønsted
Námsval stúlkna með tilliti til stærðfræði í Menntaskólanum við Hamrahlíð
Elínborg I. Ólafsdóttir, Freyja Hreinsdóttir, Gunnar Stefánsson og María Óskarsdóttir
pdf file
Growth and electrical characterization of thin film silicon on MG-Si
for solar cell applications
D. M. Danielsson
Quantum Transport in the Presence of a Local Time-Periodic Potential in a Magnetic Field
Kristinn Torfason
The rate coefficients for the collisional energy loss of the chlorine discharge
Eythor Gisli Thorsteinsson, Aron Thor Hjartarson and Jon Tomas Gudmundsson
A critical review of the reaction set for a low pressure chlorine processing discharge
Eythor Gisli Thorsteinsson, Aron Thor Hjartarson and Jon Tomas Gudmundsson
The nitrogen discharge - A global (volume averaged) model study
Eythor Gisli Thorsteinsson
Spatial and temporal variation of the plasma parameters in a high power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) discharge
Pall Sigurjonsson
Statistical analysis of models of inflation in Iceland
Gudmundur Gudmundsson
Geometrical Effects in Transport through Quantum Wires with Side-coupled Quantum Dots
Ómar Valsson
Taking the Temperature of a Black Hole
Erling J. Brynjolfsson, Larus Thorlacius
Silfurberg og þáttur þess í þróun raunvísinda og ýmissar tækni,
einkum á 19. öld: minnisblöð og heimildaskrá.
Önnur útgáfa, nóv. 2007, 384 bls.
Leó Kristjánsson
GPS network measurements in the Kárahnjúkar area 2006
Benedikt Gunnar Ófeigsson, Erik Sturkell, Halldór Ólafsson, Freysteinn Sigmundsson, Páll Einarsson, and Jón Thuy Xuan Búi
pdf file
Rannsóknir á stöðugleika subtilísin-líks serín róteinasa (VPR), úr kuldakærri Vibrio sjávarbakteríu. Samanburður við samstofna ensímin, próteinasa K og aqualysin I.
Magnús Már Kristjánsson og Ólafur Þór Magnússon
Transport of an electron wave packet through a nanostructure in a magnetic field
Gunnar Þorgilsson
Non-degeneracy of perturbed solutions of semilinear partial differential equations
Robert Magnus and Olivier Moschetta
Thermodynamics of Large AdS Black Holes
Samuli Hemming, Larus Thorlacius
Generators and relations for Wq(K((S))) in characteristic 2
Jón Kr. Arason
Generators and relations for Wq(K) in characteristic 2
Jón Kr. Arason
Effects of hydrogen related defects on the electrical properties of thin film MgO
Björn Víkingur Ágústsson
Noncommutative scalar solitons
Metastable states and radiation
Erling Jóhann Brynjólfsson
Hátæknisetur á Sauðárkróki
Sveinn Ólafsson
A New Perspective on the Nonextremal Enhançon Solution
Jessica K. Barrett
Electrical characterization of MgO thin films grown by reactive magnetron sputtering
Jón Skírnir Ágústsson
Electron excitation rate coefficients for the nitrogen discharge
J. T. Gudmundsson
Population cycles in rock ptarmigan Lagopus muta: modelling and parameter estimation
Kjartan G. Magnússon, Jenný Brynjarsdóttir, and Ólafur K. Nielsen
pdf file
A critical review of the reaction set for a low pressure oxygen processing discharge
J. T. Gudmundsson
Recombination rate coefficients in oxygen discharges
Jon Tomas Gudmundsson and Michael A. Lieberman
Grid-free ground state of molecules and transport in nanosystems
Jens Hjörleifur Bárðarson
Manipulating the persitent current in quantum rings
Sigríður Sif Gylfadóttir
Annealing behavior of Li and Si impurities in GaAs
Halldór G. Svavarsson
pdf file, 2nd part, publications
Analysis of time series for rock ptarmigan and gyrfalcon
populations in north-east Iceland
Jenný Brynjarsdóttir, Sigrún Helga Lund, Kjartan G. Magnússon, and Ólafur K. Nielsen
Continuum branched polymers
Thordur Jonsson
Ultra-thin conductors and insulators
Synthesis and characterization
Ívar Meyvantsson
Observation of solitons in a pulsed magnetron sputtering discharge
Kristinn B. Gylfason
Notes on the electron excitation rate coefficients for argon and oxygen discharge
Jón Tómas Guðmundsson
Digital Smoothing of the Langmuir Probe I-V Characteristic
F. Magnus and J.T. Gudmundsson
Magnetization of interacting confined two-dimensional electron systems.
Gabriel Vasile
Construction of a scanning tunneling microscope
Unnar Bjarni Arnalds
Cosmological models and renormalization group flow
Kristján Rúnar Kristjánsson
A note on noncommutative scalar multisolitons
Bergfinnur Durhuus and Thordur Jonsson
Plurisubharmonicity of envelopes of disc funtionals on manifolds
Finnur Lárusson and Ragnar Sigurdsson
Thermal structure of magnetized neutron stars, MS-thesis
Óskar H. Halldórsson
The existence and stability of noncommutative scalar solitons
Bergfinnur Durhuus, Thordur Jonsson and Ryszard Nest
Quantum transport in nanowires: conductance quantization
Unnar B. Arnalds
Effects of the electron energy distribution on the plasma chemistry in argon: A time dependent global (volume avereaged) model study
Einar Guðfinnsson and Jón Tómas Guðmundsson
Af smækkandi smárum
Jón Tómas Guðmundsson
The Existence of Smooth Attractors of Damped and Driven Nonlinear Wave Equations
Björn Birnir og Kenneth Nelson
Cross Sections and Rate Coefficients for Collisions of Electrons with Atomic and Molecular Fluorine
Jón Tómas Guðmundsson
Veikt jónað rafgas: Kennistærðir og notkun
Jón Tómas Guðmundsson
Existence and Homogenization of the Raleigh-Bénard Problem
Björn Birnir and Nils Svanstedt
The Basic Attractor of the Viscous Moore-Greitzer Equation
Björn Birnir and Höskuldur Ari Hauksson
III: The Emergence of Random River Networks and Scaling Laws of Fluvial Landscapes
Björn Birnir, Terence R. Smith, and George E. Merchant
Surface photovoltage measurements in semiconductors
Halldór Örn Ólafsson
Finite size effects in the far-infrared absorption of a confined 2DEG
Sigurður I. Erlingsson
Effects of shape on the far-infrared absorption of quantum dots
Ingibjörg Magnúsdóttir
The spectrum of a Transfer Matrix for loops
Thordur Jonsson and George K. Savvidy
Asymptotic estimation on certain Product Ramsey Numbers
Geir Agnarsson
GPS Geodetic Measurements around Bárðarbunga Volcano, Central Iceland, in 1997
Sigrún Hreinsdóttir, Páll Einarsson, Sigurjón Jónsson, and Freysteinn Sigmundsson
Extremal graphs of order dimension 4
Geir Agnarsson
On the width of handles in two-dimensional quantum gravity
Thordur Jonsson
On Chromatic Sums and Distributed Resource Allocation
A. Bar-Noy, M. Bellar, M. Halldorsson, H. Shachnai, T. Tamir
On the Approximation of Largest Common Subtrees and Largest Common Point Sets
T. Akutsu, M. Halldórsson